Brew Blog: Hideout Brewery & Home Brew Update

As it turns out, they do Trivia at the brewery (which my brother and his wife have gotten us excited about -- they are true trivia champs!). A friend called Tom one day to join him for trivia, so Tom got to see this place before me. A while later, I joined him for a trivia night. It was a lot of fun, even though I only really helped with a couple of questions.
Unfortunately, since we were so focused on the trivia, I didn't get any good beer photos or question Tom on what he was drinking. They have lots of good options for beer, and the fact that Tom has now been there several times attests to something. For my part, I was excited to see they had something besides beer: some fruity wines. I tried a blueberry wine when I was there. It was okay -- it was very sweet and perhaps not as flavorful as I'd hoped. But I'd take that over beer any day!
Speaking of things I'd take over beer, here's another: mead. Thom Bomb brewery is in full force as Tom has multiple drinks in the works with his home brewing. He has a couple of beers, but he also has a few meads. The one I'm most excited about is a Raspberry Melomel (fruit mead), which should be ready this summer. I've also been designing labels for Thom Bomb brews and ordered some labels from -- they have all sorts of labels for different sized bottles. I got the ones that are supposed to be easy to remove, since Tom reuses all his bottles. They printed out fine with the templates they, so far so good! Here's a look at what I've designed:
Hi there! My name is Dana and I live in West Michigan with my husband, Tom and our dog Copernicus. I created this space as a place to share the things I learn along this journey I call life. I work in marketing and I'm a sort of Jane of All Trades, interested in all things nature, gardening, cooking, exploring and learning new things. This blog is a conglomeration of my interests, hobbies, life and life lessons. Thanks for stopping by!