Forgetting My Medicine -- And Other Small Victories
I don’t like to think of myself as a forgetful person, but sometimes I am. When it comes to taking medicine, I can usually get into a routine and keep it going without forgetting very often. Of course, this is easier under a couple of conditions: 1) When the medicine is taken daily, 2) When it has few requirements on *when* you can take it (e.g. doesn’t have to be with food, or a certain time of day), and 3) When you have fewer other medications that you have to take. With my recent treatment changes for my RA, I ended up taking more medications than I had in recent months. For one, I upped my naproxen dosage to two times daily. Then in March, my doctor had me add Plaquenil to the mix – which is two pills that I take together once a day. Then there’s the Humira, which is a once per week injection. I’ve also been trying to get back in the habit of taking a daily multivitamin. So – there’s been a little more to keep track of. My problem is, once I break the routine, it often takes me a while to get back into it. Last week, I broke my routine.
Humira...waiting to be taken. |
I’ve had a couple of other victories, as well. I’ve been taking the Naproxen a lot less frequently…although, I’m learning today that I think I still need to be doing at least once a day or my wrist pain starts to come back. But, if I can take it less than twice each day, I’ll be happy. This winter, I was strictly two times per day at 500mg or my wrists would start screaming.

Hi there! My name is Dana and I live in West Michigan with my husband, Tom and our dog Copernicus. I created this space as a place to share the things I learn along this journey I call life. I work in marketing and I'm a sort of Jane of All Trades, interested in all things nature, gardening, cooking, exploring and learning new things. This blog is a conglomeration of my interests, hobbies, life and life lessons. Thanks for stopping by!