Happy New Year! 2021 is off to a great start in our household. I can now officially say that we are full-time parents! If you know us well or have been following our
Part-Time Parents
Part-Time Parents
It’s hard to believe it has been a year since we started our journey into the world of foster care, and yet so much has happened since then. Getting licensed to become foster
Fostering Hope in the New Year
Fostering Hope in the New Year
2019 was a bit of a rollercoaster. And the ride has just begun! After a rough start to the year health-wise for me, things got even more intense as we navigated our journey
Our Story Part 3: Pregnant for a Minute
Our Story Part 3: Pregnant for a Minute
I have a story to tell. It does not have a happy ending. But, perhaps, it has no ending at all. Perhaps we are still in the middle of the story, and this
Our Story Part 2: My IVF Experience
Our Story Part 2: My IVF Experience
I have a story to tell. It does not have a happy ending. But, perhaps, it has no ending at all. Perhaps we are still in the middle of the story, and this
Our Story Part 1: My Fertility Journey
Our Story Part 1: My Fertility Journey
I have a story to tell. It does not have a happy ending. But, perhaps, it has no ending at all. Perhaps we are still in the middle of the story, and this
Trick Dog Training: Roll Yourself in a Blanket
Trick Dog Training: Roll Yourself in a Blanket
One of my goals for 2019 was to work with my dog, Copernicus (or Copper for short), on earning various levels of Trick Dog Titles. I did not know that Trick Dog Titles
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